Archive: November 2013
Andy Seviofa: Agent of Light

Andy's House with Solar LightOur very good friend from a village called Nafimpa in our valley, was curious about all my village-level solar research, particularly solar lighting.

As Andy collected all my 'hand-me-down' parts including a 'broken' old solar panel, we discovered that a lot of parts I rejected and lying around the house could be redeemed for new purposes at Andy's place.

The result of this "solar lighting" ‒ in a village normally steeped in darkness at night ‒ led to some amazing activities, including two evening Gadsup language Bible Studies, and the people began to gather around "two types of Light".

See "Andy — Bearer of Light" »

Brian's Solar Research »

Women are Fully Human!  The Folopa Story

About the time we started our careers in Papua New Guinea, a young couple  named Neil and Carol Anderson lived with the Folopa people of Southern Highlands Province.  I recently found an interesting video about the impact the translation of Genesis made on the men in the village where they lived.

Folopa Women Carrying firewood

Suddenly the status of women was instantly raised within the culture.  We love this story for two reasons:  1) It contradicts the Western notion that the Bible message denigrates or belittles women in general, and that Christianity oppresses women, at least in it's purest form.  2) We personally know the Andersons, now retired in Spokane Washington, now spokespersons for Wycliffe, and dear friends of ours.  They knew our son Dav quite well, when we served together in Papua New Guinea.

To hear this great story about how the Scriptures transformed the Folopa people, once translated into their heart language, click the links here.

Video: Women are Fully Human (2:28 min) »

Women are Fully Human (Vimeo) (2:29 min) »

Who can find a virtuous and capable wife?  She is more precious than rubies. Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life. 

— King Lemuel (Proverbs 31:10-11)


“But true wisdom and power are found in God;
counsel and understanding are his.
— Job 12:13

We praise the Lord for the privlege of being in Papua New Guinea and the opportunities to serve the local communities in this country.

The Bible is alive – it has hands and grabs hold of me, it has feet and runs after me.   — Martin Luther

It's Greek to Me!

Written by Tim Scott:

Taylor Tioja had been waiting three years to learn Greek. While
attending Bible College, he listened to overseas instructors referencing words from the Greek New Testament. It didn’t take long for Taylor became fascinated by the depth of meaning that the Greek offered.

“As they were teaching, they would normally quote some
New Testament words from the Greek and these words that they would interpret or translate had more meaning, a deeper meaning, than the English words that had been interpreted in my Ese Bible.” - Tioja

But his Bible College didn’t teach Greek, so he began to pray. He had been praying three years before he was able to attend the Introduction to New Testament Greek that was held at the Ukarumpa Training Centre.  Studying Greek was not easy. Tioja says, “My mother tongue is my first language, English is my second language and Greek is the third. As you know, to learn a new language is very, very hard.”

This language has special challenges. Greek has its own alphabet and some of the word order is unique and requires a
new way of thinking about language. “When I first opened the
Greek New Testament, I couldn’t read anything because when I looked at it, I was like a blind man.” Over time, Tioja learned to read the Greek and soon he was reaping the benefits of studying the Scriptures from the ancient texts.

Tioja wants to use this new knowledge to help the Ese translators of Oro Province revise their New Testament. He says, “Without knowledge of the Greek New Testament, people
sometimes quote Scriptures and misinterpret them and that can mislead many, many people.”

He is thankful that he now has the tools to assist with translation. “I am so glad and so thrilled that this Greek New Testament will help me to interpret the truth and not to add or
subtract from God’s Word. This will allow me to help people that work in translation and literacy to be able to share the message, so that they can deliver the truth of God’s Word
accurately."  – Taylor Tioja

Photo Insights into Papua New Guinea Life

Yellow FlowerHere is the entrance to our photographic favorites. Come journey to the "land of the unexpected" as seen in our eyes after 25 years of ministry in this fair country.

See More as published from the Years 2005 to 2012»

Higher Resolution photos are freely available upon request. Just email and let us know what you would like.

But may all who search for you
be filled with joy and gladness in you.
May those who love your salvation
repeatedly shout, “The Lord is great!”

— Psalm 40:16