The Village Church Grows.....     
Archive: October 2009

... But through many trials.  We have seen signficant tribal fighting in the village between two major clans and it has greatly affected the church.  Pastor Karl and Pastor Pu have tirelessly worked to be mediators between warring factions, and at the same time have been protected from harm themselves by the Lord's Grace.  This unrest is grievious and has resulted in a few deaths by the innocent. 

The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing.  — Edmund Burke

Pray for the church's role in society.  That Christ's teachings of peace and reconciliation will break down the fierce system of social obligations that leads to pay-back and retaliation between warring groups. 

At the same time, the church has matured greatly!  Recently the church has pooled all their resources and entered an exciting time in its history by commissioning Davvid Bina to be their special missionary to Operation Mobilization's "Logos Hope" ship.  This is a big step of faith for a rather small congregation to undertake and indeed the entire EBC denomination.Passing the Light Ceremony
Join us in prayer for a successful "tour of duty" for Davvid Bina.  He is one fine fellow.

We witnessed during part of the four-hour village ceremony, a passing of the candlelight, symbolic of entrusting the Light of the Gospel into Davvid's hands to "the uttermost parts of the earth".

Equally special was the testimony of Davvid's parents as they lovingly gave their son to God for the furtherance of His Glory.

God's work done in God's way will never lack God's supply...   I have found that there are three stages in every great work of God; first, it is impossible, then it is difficult, then it is done.  — J. Hudson Taylor

We count it a privledge to be part of the congregation at this time.

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The Quest Kodiak Aircraft Arrives

Kodiak Aircraft Lands Aiyura Valley
The Kodiak Aircraft lands in the Aiyura Valley after traversing the Pacific Ocean from the USA

How do you know when you've made it?  For some, it's the day you throw your graduation cap in the air, or the night you hear those quiet words "it's a girl", or the moment you realize that boot camp is over and the real adventure is about to begin. For us... we know the real adventure is beginning when our aircraft traverses an otherwise impassable jungle...  
— October 14th, 2009, Quest Mission Log  

Papua New Guinea is a nation with many small villages which are not accessible by road at all.  Because of this, airplanes and helicopters are essential to carry translators to villages nestled inside mountain ranges and to carry translators and other language workers to village nestled inside mountain ranges and to the many small islands scattered around the mainland.Kodiak and Crowds

Our older fleet of aircraft are over 20 years old now, and require Aviation Gasoline or Av Gas for short.  This is becoming more difficult to obtain and more expensive to purchase.  Those costs get handed down to the people who request flights.

Five years ago, an organization called Quest International was created to design and manufacture aircraft specificially suited for flying in challenging locations.  Friday, September 25th, one of their airplanes arrived in the Eastern Highlands of Papua New Guinea to serve the people of this nation. It is the first aircraft Quest International has produced that will be used specifically for mission aviation.

Here are some special features of this aircraft:

  • Short Take Off and Landing (STOL) capability for us on small airstrips
  • Large tires and high ground clearance for landing on rough and unpaved airstrips
  • Extra large cargo doors for transporting big cargo and for ease in medical evacuations
  • Will run in excess of 3,500 hours between overhauls, greatly reducing maintenance costs
  • Its turbine engine uses readily-available jet fuel

Kodiak and RikiAfter the Kodiak landed, many in the community and employees gathered around the plane to unite in prayers of thanksgiving.  Please join us in thanking the Lord for this provision.  Also pray for alertness in training for our pilots as they learn new skills to master this new aircraft.
Elder Riki from our church, also works
at the Aiyura Valley aircraft hangers


Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles,  — Isaiah 40:31

We waited a long time for this aircraft.  Our Aviation program can now continue with new strength. 

Quest Aircraft »

Insights into Papua New Guinea Life

ANHS Cool ShadesHere is the entrance to our photographic favorites.  Come journey to the "land of the unexpected" as seen in our eyes after 20 years of ministry in this fair country.
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Higher Resolution Photos are freely available upon request.  Just email and let us know what you would like.

Keep my commandments and live, And my teaching as the apple of your eye.  — Proverbs 7:2